The Liffiton List: First Names K - Z
Liffiton Family History has tried to identify every known Liffiton name going back to Jane Liffiton in the 18th Century. The list provides country of birth and death along with vital dates when known. In parentheses are additional names such as maiden, married, or nicknames. If the name is in orange, follow a link for more information on that person.
Katherine Liffiton ("Kat"), b. 1988 CA
Kathleen Liffiton, b. 1940 USA ("Kay" Armstrong)
Kathleen Joy Liffiton, b. 1977 USA (Quinn)
Katie C. Liffiton, b. abt1889 UK
Kaye Maree Liffiton, b. 1956 NZ (Reese)
Kenneth Clark Liffiton, 1923-2004 CA (Clark)
Kenneth Donald Liffiton, b. 1979 US
Kenneth Robert Liffiton, Sr., b. 1927 CA
Kenneth Robert Liffiton, Jr., b. 1956 USA
Kim Louise Liffiton, b. 1955 USA (Meehl)
Kristen Faith Liffiton, b. 1989 USA
Kristi-Lynn Liffiton, b. 1983 CA
Larry Clark Liffiton, b. 1951 CA
Laura A. Liffiton, 1877-1974 CA, USA (Varney)
Laura Esther Liffiton, abt1898-abt1940 CA, USA (Fornier)
Laura Isabel Liffiton, 1906-1971 CA, USA (Van Camp)
Laura Lin Liffiton, b. 1982 (USA)
Lena Margaret Liffiton, 1887-1959 CA (Clark)
Leslie Ann Liffiton, b. 1966 USA (Warren)
Lilianna B. Liffiton, b. 1935 CA (Cousineau)
Lincoln Stanley Liffiton, 1900-1977 CA,Brazil
Linda Liffiton, US (George)
Lois Doreen Liffiton, 1929-2006 CA, US (Stavely)
Loraine Liffiton, 1900-1965 US (Grondin)
Loretta Francis Liffiton, 1926-1987 CA, US (Millius)
Louise Jane Liffiton, b. 1891 CA (Thomas)
Luann Marie Liffiton, b. 1957 USA (Kerr)
Lynda-Ann Liffiton, b. 1948 CA (Cole, MacDonald
Marcelo Silva Liffiton, 1990s Brazil-possibly fictitious
Margaret Jean Liffiton, b. 1936 NZ (Nicol)
Marguerite Irving Liffiton, 1886-1886 CA
Maria Eliza Liffiton, 1855-1855 CA
Maria Huntley Liffiton, 1810-1857 UK (Parker)
Maria Huntley Liffiton, 1848-1919 NZ (Ashforth)
Marjorie Liffiton, CA (Simms)
Marjorie Read Liffiton, b. 1919 USA (Clulow)
Mark Austin Liffiton, b. 1998 USA
Mark Hammond Liffiton, b. 1981 US
Mary Liffiton, about 1760-1830 UK (Copp)
Mary Liffiton, abt1804-1840 UK (Smith)
Mary Ann Liffiton, b. 1833 UK (Bedford)
Mary Ann Parse Liffiton, 1816-1858 UK (Leigh)
Mary Ann Self Liffiton, 1823-1909 UK (Donges)
Mary Jane Liffiton, 1912-2001 USA (King)
Mary Mercy Liffiton, b. abt1833, UK (Tupman)
Maud Eleanor Cavie Liffiton, b. abt1885 NZ (Miles)
Michael Andrew Liffiton, 1961-1961 CA
Mona Liffiton, 1925-2009 UK, USA (Briggs, McCourt)
Muriel Wylie Liffiton, 1891-1962 CA ("Capi" Blanchet)
Nancy Liffiton, b. 1984 (Chrostowski)
Norma Jean Liffiton, 1935-1983 USA (Grasso)
Norman Bruce Liffiton, b. 1941 NZ
Norman Edward Alexander Liffiton, 1903-1988 NZ
Norman Henry Liffiton, 1908-1963 CA, USA
Norman John Liffiton, b. 1954 NZ
Patrick Arthur Liffiton, b. 1952 CA
Penelope Olivia Liffiton, b. 2017 USA
Peter Liffiton, 1896-1957 CA
Phyllis Jean Liffiton, 1925-2006 USA (Clark, Humphrey)
Richard Liffiton, Sr., about 1756-1821 UK
Richard Liffiton, abt1784-1863 UK
Richard Alfred Liffiton, 1842-bef1849 UK
Richard Ernest Liffiton, 1883-1941 CA,USA
Richard George Liffiton, 1835-1842 UK
Richard James Liffiton, 1830-1831 UK
Robert William Liffiton, abt1832-aft1861 UK
Ruth Constance Liffiton, 1921-1979 CA (Kneeland)
Sally Liffiton, 1803-1878 UK (Copp, Sarah Salter, Sally Salter)
Samuel Liffiton, 1827-1831 UK
Sarah Liffiton, see Sally Liffiton
Sarah Armstrong Liffiton, b. 1969 USA (Elia)
Sean Michael Liffiton, CA (Campbell)
Stacey Ann Liffiton, b. 1947 USA (Witham, Bailey)
Sue Liffiton, CA (Wilson)
Susan Margaret Liffiton, b. 1960 CA
Susannah Liffiton, abt1798-18660 UK (Law)
Thomas Huntley Liffiton, 1819-1881 UK
Thomas Stanley Liffiton, 1888-1888 CA
Timothy Downey Liffiton, b. 1966 USA
Timothy King Liffiton, 1940-2016 USA
Violet Nicholas Liffiton, 1887-1991 CA (Winans)
Virginia Ann Liffiton, 1933-2000 USA (Smart)
Virginia Margaret Liffiton, b. 1927 CA (Warner)
William Liffiton, abt1797-1797
William Liffiton, abt1804-1874 UK
William Blair Liffiton, b. 1980 NZ
William Edward Liffiton, 1901-1950 CA, USA
William Henry Liffiton, 1875-1946 CA, USA
William Thomas Liffiton, 1852-1916 CA
William Thomas Liffiton, 1923-2006 USA
William Thomas Liffiton, b. 1949 USA
Willie Liffiton, b. 1882 UK
(Updated 05/13/2018)