The Liffiton List: First Names G - J
Liffiton Family History has tried to identify every known Liffiton name going back to Jane Liffiton in the 18th Century. The list provides country of birth and death along with vital dates when known. In parentheses are additional names such as maiden, married, or nicknames.
Gabriella Liffiton, USA
George Liffiton, 1803-1881 UK,CA
George Frederick Liffiton, 1883-1945 CA
Georgina Rose Liffiton, 1903-1981 CA,USA (Musgrave)
Gray Goodall Liffiton, 1894-1895 CA
Harold Edgar Liffiton, 1892-1893 CA
Harold Keith Liffiton, 1922-1998 CA,USA
Harry Liffiton, 1857-1909, UK
Harry Liffiton, 1880-1880 UK
Harry Liffiton (1930 Ohio, fictitious)
Harry Chamberlain Liffiton, 1880-1963 UK
Heather Marie Liffiton, b.1952 CA (Fitzpatrick)
Hedwig Erika Liffiton, 1896-1980 CA ("Hattie" Rueckwald)
Helen Liffiton, 1896-1995 UK,NZ (Hatfield)
Helen Alice Liffiton, NZ (McNeil)
Henry Arthur Liffiton, 1858-about 1932, CA
Henry Herbert Liffiton, 1921-1935 CA
Herbert Leslie Liffiton, 1890-1933 CA ("Pete")
Ian Keith Liffiton, b. 1953 NZ
Ida B. Liffiton, b. about 1882 USA (Schwemer)
Ida Jessie Liffiton, 1877-1943 CA (Ellis)
Ilene Jessie Liffiton, 1902-2001 CA,USA (Short)
Jack Downey Liffiton, b. 1938 USA
Jack Kenneth Liffiton, 1912-2006 CA,USA
Jacqueline Ann Fitzpatrick Liffiton, b. 1988 CA
James Francis Liffiton, b. 1984 Saudi Arabia
Jane Liffiton, 1738/39-1812 UK (Nowell)
Jane Ann Liffiton, 1822-1909 UK,CA (Down)
Jane Ann Liffiton, b. 1841 UK (Orchard)
Jane Eliana Liffiton, b. 1992 Guatemala
Janelle Liffiton, b. 1955 USA (Holloman)
Janet Liffiton, b. 1942 USA (Gifford)
Janet Wilhelmina Liffiton, b. 1930 USA (Casson)
Jayne Dianne Liffiton, b. 1963 NZ
Jean Susan Liffiton, 1905-1994 USA (Suran, Roth)
Jennifer Ann Liffiton, b. 1958 CA ("Jenny" Wright)
Jennifer Diana Liffiton, b. 1981 USA
Jenny Liffiton, 1760-after 1771 UK (possibly "Jane")
Jessie Fraser Liffiton, 1852-1923 CA (Jackson)
Joan Liffiton, b. 1944 USA (Goodling)
John Liffiton, 1835-1843 UK
John Liffiton, 1782-1852 UK
John Bedford Liffiton, 1824-1825 UK
John Francis Liffiton, b. 1964 NZ
John Lee Liffiton, b. 1954 US
Jonathan Armstrong Liffiton, b. 1974 USA
Joshua Michael Liffiton, b. 1987 Colombia
Julie Ann Liffiton, b. 1953 UK (Gray)
(Updated 06/21/2010)