The Liffiton List: First Names A - F
Liffiton Family History has tried to identify every known Liffiton name going back to Jane Liffiton in the 18th Century. The list provides country of birth and death along with vital dates when known. In parentheses are additional names such as maiden, married, or nicknames. If the name is in orange, follow a link for more information on that person.
Alexander David Liffiton, b. 1990 UK
Aiice Jane Liffiton, 1878-1959 CA, USA
Allison Liffiton, NZ (Fleming)
Amanda Colleen Liffiton, b. 1979 USA
Amy Liffiton, b. about 1886 UK (Hullah)
Ann Huntley Liffiton, 1824-1844 UK
AnaMarie Armijo m. Joshua M. Liffiton, 2017, USAAnna Marie Liffiton, 1881-1959 CA (Verdon)
Anne Liffiton, about 1783-1860 UK (Huntley)
Anne Catherine Liffiton, 1914-1988 (Halpen)
Anne Leigh Liffiton, b. 1986 USA
Annie Liffiton, b. 1927 CA (Sutton)
Annie Huntley Liffiton, 1850-1928 UK,NZ (Honoré)
Arnulfo Granados Liffiton, 1980 fictitious USA
Arthur Liffiton, 1787-1823 UK
Arthur Edward Liffiton, 1881-1954 CA, USA
Arthur Edward Liffiton, Jr., 1912-1977 USA
Ashlee Marie Liffiton, b. 1984 CA
Aubrey Ann Liffiton, b. 1978 USA
Audrey Margaret Liffiton, 1917-1923 CA
Augusta Jane Rose Liffiton, 1877-1891 CA ("Elsie")
Barbara Maria Liffiton, b. 1953 NZ
Barry Liffiton, b. 1945 CA, USA
Benjamin Hugh Liffiton, b. 1998 USA
Bertha E. Liffiton, b. 1881 USA ("Stella" Zaiss)
Beth Liffiton, USA b. about 1976 (Andruschat)
Betty Edith Liffiton, b. 1933 NZ (George)
Betty Jean Liffiton, 1923-2017 USA (Caviness)
Betty Peek Liffiton, about 1796-1877 UK (Skinner)
Brady Armstrong Liffiton, 2009-2009, USA
Brett Macrae Liffiton, b. 1979 NZ
Bruce Edward Liffiton, b. 1962 USA
Caroline Liffiton, 1813-about 1845 UK (Besley)
Caroline Cavie Liffiton, 1847-1864 UK,NZ ("Carrie")
Caroline Louise Liffiton, 1822-1879 UK,NZ (Nolloth)
Carolyn Chauncey Liffiton, b. 1962 USA (Leigh Chauncey)
Carol-Lynn Patricia Liffiton, b. 1946 CA (Gajda, Allaway)
Carrie Jane Liffiton, 1863-1917 CA (Snetsinger)
Carrie Joyce Liffiton, b. 2003 USA
Catherine Eliza Liffiton, 1862-about 1862 UK
Cecile Claire Liffiton, 1917-2007 CA (Fortin)
Cecile Florence Erena Liffiton, 1906-1994 NZ (Cole)
Charles Albert Liffiton, 1949-1927 CA
Charles Albert Liffiton, 1878-1941 CA
Charles Albert Liffiton II, 1919-1989 CA ("Bud")
Charles Downey Liffiton, 1909-1931 CA, USA ("Buster")
Charles William Joseph Liffiton, 1915-1984 CA
Charlotte Eileen Liffiton, b. 2015 USA
Charlotte Francis Liffiton, about 1852-1937 NZ
Chauncey Hugh Liffiton, b. 1992 USA
Cheryl Ann Liffiton, b. 1972 USA (White)
Christian Farquarsen Garden Liffiton, 1887-1949 NZ (Maclean)
Christine Liffiton, USA (Dzwonek), b. 1948
David Alan Fitzpatrick Liffiton, b. 1984 CA
David Henry Liffiton, b. 2018 USA
Debra Liffiton, b. 1954 CA (Campbell, Airey, Vining)
Donald David Liffiton, b. 1954 USA
Donald Usher Liffiton, 1915-2003, USA
Donna Jean Liffiton, b. 1974 USA (Harris)
Donna Marie Liffiton, b. 1954 CA (Fair)
Doreen Janette Liffiton, CA (Clydsdale)
Doris Liffiton, 1896-1957 CA
Doris Liffiton, 1909-1986 USA (Knight, Hand)
Dorothy Alice Liffiton, 1906-1954 CA,USA (McCrone)
Dorothy Dency Liffiton, b. 1909 USA (Short)
Dorothy Ena Liffiton, b. 1894 USA (Skilling)
Douglas Edward Arthur Liffiton, b. 1922 CA
Edda Ribeirio Liffiton, b. 1931 Brazil (Alguin)
Edith May Liffiton, 1886-1950 USA (Usher)
Edward Francis Liffiton, 1875-1950 NZ
Edward Nolloth Liffiton, 1843-1923 UK,NZ
Eleanor Jessie Marie Liffiton, b. 1921 CA (Knapp, Giggey)
Eleanor Louise Liffiton, 1845-1914 UK,NZ (Smith, Douglas)
Eliza Liffiton, 1828-1887 UK (Litten)
Eliza Liffiton, b. 1830 UK
Eliza Catherine Liffiton, 1903-1988 NZ (Macrae)
Eliza Litten Liffiton, b. 1864 UK ("Elizabeth")
Eliza Maria Liffiton, 1828-1855 UK
Elizabeth Liffiton, 1795 - after 1861 UK (Maunder)
Elizabeth Ann Liffiton, 1834-1835 UK
Elizabeth Ann Liffiton, b. about 1840 UK (Escott)
Ellen Liffiton, about 1839-1859 UK
Ellen Liffiton (1930 Ohio - fictitious)
Ellen Huntley Liffiton, 1817-1885 CA
Emma Liffiton, about 1857-1883 CA (Lemay)
Erica Denise Liffiton, b. 1979 USA
Erin Liffiton, b. 1981 CA
Erin Rose Liffiton, b. 2001 USA
Erna M. Liffiton, 1910-1975 USA (Maahs)
Ernest James Liffiton, 1885-1949 CA
Ernest James Liffiton II, 1916-2004 CA
Ernest James Liffiton III, 1949-1952 CA
Evelyn Liffiton, b. 1944 USA (Hammond)
Ewen Macrae Liffiton, 1928-2004 NZ
Faith Annette Liffiton, b. 1928 NZ (Armstrong)
Female A Liffiton, b. 1976 USA
Female B Liffiton, b. 1976 USA
Fern Liffiton, CA (Walker)
Florence Ashforth Liffiton, 1874-1962 NZ ("Flossie")
Florence Louise Liffiton, 1858-1929, Canada, US (Randall)
Florence May Liffiton, 1904-1975 USA (Jones, Norris)
Florence Parker Liffiton, 1869-1949 UK (Chamberlain)
Francis Hugh Liffiton, 1923-1972 NZ,USA (F. Hugh)
Frank Liffiton, 1897-1912 UK
Frank Harcourt Liffiton, 1894-1895 CA
(Updated 05/13/2018)